Volume 3, Issue 10 (12-2021)                   2021, 3(10): 154-184 | Back to browse issues page

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Analysis and evaluation of effective indicators on promotion and improvement of manpower productivity (Case study: National Iranian Standards Organization). Journal title 2021; 3 (10) :154-184
URL: http://jde.khu.ac.ir/article-1-101-en.html
Abstract:   (3634 Views)
Productivity as a philosophy and an outlook based on the strategy of recovery is the main goal of the organization that can embody the activities of all sectors of society as a chain.  Improving the productivity of thinking and worldview is based on enhancing creativity and creativity and the ability to adapt and integrate society and organizations with the developments in the world.  The philosophy of improving productivity in organizations makes human resources better able to think, think, create, innovate, and systematic attitudes.  Thinking that its aim is to create and build the future instead of now and in the past.  The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive scale for analyzing and evaluating the infrastructure needed to improve and improve the productivity of human resources in the National Iranian Standard Organization.
 The present study is a applied research based on the productivity model of the manpower of Condos and Debra.  This research is based on the nature and method of a descriptive-survey study that has been used to collect data using a questionnaire tool.  Content validity, construct validity and convergent validity have been used to assess the validity of the scale.  Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability have been calculated for reliability testing.  Data analysis was performed using SPSS and LISREL statistical software.
  Statistical data were collected from the National Iranian Standards Organization. Using expert opinion of managers, professors and experts, and the statistical population, effective indicators on human resource productivity have been studied.  The results show that the indicators of management style, job factors, organizational characteristics, welfare factors of work and individual characteristics of employees are the most important indicators that affect the productivity of human resources in the organization.
 After verification of the questionnaires and verified items, the status of each of the items was studied using Friedman test. According to the results of this test, each of the indicators of human resource productivity assessment in the National Iranian Standard Organization  What is the relative importance of other indicators?
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/04/13 | Accepted: 2021/08/1 | Published: 2021/09/1

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