Volume 3, Issue 10 (12-2021)                   2021, 3(10): 73-95 | Back to browse issues page

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Dooshabi M, Paslar S. Prioritize productive and service-oriented investment plans according to the principles of sustainable development (Case Study: Qeshm Island). Journal title 2021; 3 (10) :73-95
URL: http://jde.khu.ac.ir/article-1-122-en.html
Abstract:   (1589 Views)
Given the high risk of investing in economic activities, it is important to recognize investment opportunities and prioritize them. On the other hand, due to resource constraints in building new product (product or service) production capacities, it is necessary to select the appropriate options from the offered opportunities. Therefore, selecting product and service plans is a vital and dynamic decision that poses particular challenges for organizations and companies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the production and service activities of Qeshm Island based on ISIC code to identify investment priorities, taking into account the principles of sustainable development. Accordingly, it has been attempted to analyze the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach and TOPSIS method, considering the indices affecting sustainable investment and development, manufacturing and service activities and designs. And finally identify the production and service priorities of Qeshm Island for investment. The research, applied and statistical population of the study consisted of managers and experts of manufacturing and service sectors active in Qeshm Island and industry and investment sector experts. The results show that rope, twine, multilayer yarn and fishing industries, marine fishing, marine aquaculture, insurance, fish processing and shellfishing, crustaceans and molluscs are the five most preferred investment projects in Qeshm Island.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/07/28 | Accepted: 2021/05/17 | Published: 2021/09/1

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